Chuck was born Nov 26, 1928 and married Beverly on May 15, 1977. Chuck served in the Navy from Febr 1946 until July 1953. He was on the Southerland from 1946 until 1950. His battle station was pointer in the main battery director. Chuck's other duty stations were NADO, Charleston, SC 1950-1951, in charge of naval & marine pay records Key west, Fl 1951-1953 also in charge of discharge & reinlistment of reserve naval officers for the Korean conflict. His hobbies are The Rose Society, Design and assemble miniature furnishings for doll houses, Member American Legion Post #24, New Bern, NC & active in St. Andrew Lutheran Church.
Chuck passed away April 23, 2011 at the age of 82, after a long battle with COPD and heart failure.