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Michael & Jani Doctor

Michael reported aboard in 1964 as a newly commissioned Ensign when Southerland was undergoing Fram I conversion at Mare Island and was aboard until 1967 when she returned to Mare Island following WESTPAC deployment.

Michael's other tours of duty include:

1967-68 Defense Intelligence School at Anacostia Naval Station , Washington, DC. and Army Intelligence School at Ft. Holabird, MD.

1968-70 Naval Field Operational Support Group, Yokosuka, Japan

1970-71 Intelligence Liaison to Oscar Platoon, SEAL Team I and Fourth Coastal Zone Intelligence Officer, Vietnam

1971-74 Naval Ocean Surveillance and Information Center, Suitland, MD

Michael was medically retired in 1974 as a LCDR and currently lives in University Place, WA. with his wife Jani.

Remarks: My tour aboard Southerland was one of the happiest times I spent in the Navy- great shipmates and a great ship.