Chester went to Boot Camp at Great Lakes, IL 1944. His first ship was the HMS Empire Battleaxe. He was on this ship for three months in 1944 from New York City to Espirito Santos, New Hebredies Island. He was a reservist from May 1944 till the end of WWII. His duty stations from then on were: Naval Supply Center @ New Caladonia Aug 1944 to Mar 1945, Island Commander Hdqts MAA Saipan, MI Mar 1945 to Aug 1945, USS Southerland 1945 to 1946, USS Furse DD 882 1946 to 1947 he reinlisted aboard the Furse in Tsington, China, USS R A Owens DD 827 1947-to 1951, USS Kimberly DD 521 1951 to 1953 during the Korean War, he attended Naval Electrical Hydraulic's School in Washington, DC. Highest rank attained was GM1. His last ship before discharge was the USS Sierra AD 18 1953..