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William & Carol Kennedy

Dates of service 6/6/53 - 11/1/76. Dates served on Southerland 6/19/69 - 3/19/71. On Southerland he served as Capt. & and retired as a Capt. Bill, as he prefers to be called, also served the following duty ststions, USS Magoffin APA-199, USS Walke DD-723, USS Gull MHC-46,USS Mulberry AN-27, INSERV Board, USNA, USN PG School, USS Sommers DD-947, SECONDFLT Staff, MACV Vietnam, USS Southerland DD-743, COMCORTRON ONE, & OPNAV R&D.

Bill and Carol have been married 60 years. He is a tutor of mathematics through calculus.