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Thomas C. & Diane Winant

Tom was in the service from 1961-1981 and served on the Southerland from 1961-1963. His other duty stations include Destroyer School, Newport, RI 1963-1964, USS John R. Pierce (DD-753) 1964-1966, MSTS Office Vietnam 1966-1967, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 1967-1970, COMCRUDESFLOT 11 and 3 staffs 1970-1972, USS Peoria (LST 1183) 1972-1974,, Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) 1974-1979, Fleet Combat Direction Systems Support Activity, San Diego 1979-1981,He retiredfrom the Navy in 1981 with the rank of LCDR and worked in the defence industry until 2010. Tom recently became a Life Member of the USS Southerland Assoc.